As a Product Manager for Flexco, I like to live life on the edge.
Well, the edge of your belt conveyor system, that is. 
No matter how successful a logistics facility can be, they are often susceptible to issues from side loading along the belt edge. The influx of packages that are processed in a system only exacerbates problems, creating a hotspot where maintenance is needed more often than others.
So, how do you combat the complications that arise in your system? By taking your system in for a tune up and implementing the Belt Edge Protector!
Common Issues in Belt Conveyor Systems
Having dealt extensively with light-duty conveyor applications, I am acutely aware of the issues that those within the parcel handling, warehousing, and distribution industries are facing.
The one that I see the most is package jamming. When a package becomes jammed in your system, you face extensive and unnecessary downtime that wreaks havoc through bottlenecking and profit loss. Implementing a solution like the Belt Edge Protector allows you to better limit such instances.
Why are they so effective? By attaching directly to the conveyor sidewall above the edge of your belt, they create a custom-fitted barrier that makes it virtually impossible for packages to slip through the sides of your belt conveyor system or get stuck and cause continuous damage to the belt and package itself.
Depending on your operational capacity, you may be losing millions of dollars each day due to your transfer issues. You could be losing even more than that from the hit your reputation takes from damaged packages and missed deliveries, especially if you are a major player in the package handling and logistics world.
During my time at Flexco I have worked with such companies, so I know that downtime of an hour, much less a day, can cost you enormous amounts of money. That is why I strongly believe that adopting our transfer solutions into your facility makes sense. The return on investment is essentially instantaneous and pays huge dividends in the long run.
Package jamming is not where the issues end, however. There is also the ever-difficult challenge of maintaining a standard of worker safety and availability. The Belt Edge Protector helps to do that in many ways.
First, obviously, is that packages stay atop the belt and are less likely to become lodged under the belt and wedged into the head pulley. This effectively decreases the likelihood of injury by eliminating the potential employee temptation to reach towards a package jam while the conveyor is running. Additionally, its quick staging and installation process gets your maintenance workers from one job to the next in an efficient and rapid manner.
A Solution to Belt Conveyor Downtime
At Flexco, we are extensively engrained in the logistics industry, and we know that getting a system from downtime to operation is at the forefront of the decision-making process. With that in mind, we engineered the Belt Edge Protector to be an easy-to-install system.
As briefly mentioned above, the installation process is not only seamless to integrate onto your existing belt, but it is also very quick. We estimate that on a belt conveyor that is 48 feet long, an installation team would take your system from stagnation during the tightest of daily shutdown windows.
Arguably best of all, our solution can be customized to fit any system. This is due to the size of the installation pieces and their ability to be cut and fitted to any conveyor length. For more information on how to properly order the Belt Edge Protector for your facility, I invite you to take a look at our product information page.
Once properly fitted and installed, you can finally wave goodbye to downtime. So, what are you waiting for?
In-House Belt Conveyor Maintenance Demo
Ensuring that your operation is running at peak efficiency is easier than ever due to Flexco’s free demo offering. If you would like someone from our team to visit your facility and diagnose potential areas of concern while providing some ideas for solutions, we simply ask that you fill out our demo request form.
After submission, a member of the Flexco service team will reach out for further scheduling of an on-site or virtual visit of your facility.
Authored by: Ryan Jackson, Product Manager
In the role of Product Manager, Jackson has complete ownership over our Light-Duty Belt Conveyor Products, guiding strategic product development, conducting extensive analysis of the needs of light duty industries, and growing market share. Jackson has been with Flexco since 2012. He has earned his bachelor’s degree in Architectural Studies from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is currently completing his Master of Business Administration from the same institution.