Since 2004, The Australian Mining Prospect Awards are the most esteemed and prestigious awards program for the mining and minerals processing industry within Australia.
Held in Perth in November last year, the 2022 Australian Mining Prospect Awards was a chance to reward those in the industry who have gone above and beyond and recognize cutting-edge innovation throughout the sector across 12 different award categories.
Flexco Australia was awarded the Excellence in IIOT Application Award for our Flexco Elevate™ Belt Cleaner Monitoring Technology. This category is proudly sponsored by ifm and recognizes an outstanding implementation of IIoT that enhances mining and minerals processing operations.
Flexco Elevate allows mining operations remotely gather critical data and perform real-time analysis to boost belt conveyor efficiency, with intelligence that grows over time. Its predictive, data-driven engine lets operations move from traditional methods of monitoring belt cleaner performance to a new way that empowers operations for the future.
“The development of the Flexco Elevate solution was driven by real-world customer challenges. We really looked to challenge the way conveyor systems have been remotely operated, by utilizing the IIoT device” said Carl Faulkner, Contract Data & Digital Engineering Specialist at Flexco Australia. 
With Safety being our top priority, Flexco Australia was also the proud sponsor for the Safety Advocate of the Year award. This award recognises an individual that is committed to ensuring safety – either for an individual site or company or for the mining industry as a whole.
The award was presented to Rio Tinto’s Nigel Gould for his advocacy for men’s health in 2022. Nigel is passionate about training and coaching new mine operators not only on the physical safety aspects of their roles but how to maintain mental health and seek support if required.
Flexco is proudly continuing its sponsorship for the Safety Advocate of the Year Award in 2023 and nominations are now open.
For more information on the Prospect Awards and nomination process, click here.